Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Here are some fun photos from Daner's first Halloween. While we didn't trick or treat, he was enough of a treat for us:)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sweet Potatoes, Apples and Pears, Oh My!

Dane's been practicing with his solids at feedings lately, with mixed results. He's done great with oatmeal and rice cereal over the last couple months, but we've started also trying fruits and veggies, now that he gets how a spoon works (most of the time, he gets it:)) So far, he's loved peas, gotten gassy and unhappy after pears and gotten slightly constipated with sweet potatoes. It's so fun to see him tasting new things for the first time! He also loves the fresh fruit smoothies that mark and I make for dinner frequently, possibly also liking them because the cold feels good on his gums. He makes some hilarious faces while testing out the new foods, which makes us laugh. He also loves it when we do a "zzzzzz" noise with the spoon; it makes him giggle every time. This was one of his recent pear feedings. After this face we're not sure if he likes it!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Flying Penguin...Blub, blub, blub...

Ah, the things that Dane loves lately. He had a great night, last night, and day, today, with his Grandma Anderson and Great Grandma Miller. His favorite has been all kinds of games, peekaboo, tickle fingers and the newest, Flying Penguin. See him giggling like a madman below:)

P.S. Dane gives a shout-out to his Dad on the last call night of this rotation!!! Woooooooohoooooo! See you tomorrow!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall Photo Update

Our family has been super busy this fall; with Mark's schedule and the weather being so cold so fast, it almost seems like we missed fall completely. However, we've definitely managed to have some fun family time over the last few weeks and so wanted to put up an update of pictures. Dane is starting to be super consistent at rolling from his back to his tummy, so we've been working on tummy to back and he's getting stronger every day. He's also finally starting to kick his cold, which will be great. He (and WE) need some sleep! Mark's surgery rotation finishes up this week, so we'll get back to a much more normal schedule with him home most nights, instead of at the hospital. Yay! We're also looking forward to Dane's first trip on a plane, as we're going to visit my sister, Bethany, in Miami. She's only met him in person once, many months ago, so it will be super exciting for her to see how much he's grown and changed since then. Unfortunately, Mark has a couple call nights at the hospital that week and won't be able to join us, but my parents decided to go as well, so I'm thankful for that. I'm sort of nervous about all the details and how he'll do, but he's getting more stable by the week, so I'm keeping a positive outlook. If you have any tips about what to do or not to do with an infant during travel, I'd LOVE to hear them! Anyway, hope you enjoy the updates.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Good Sport

Even sick and having a really rough time teething, Dane was still willing to go along with our goofing around. Our little green mustached babe needs to get those teeth!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bottoms Up!

Yesterday, Dane finally got control of a skill he's been working on for a while: holding his own bottle! We still need to help him get it in the correct orientation, but once he's got it, he'll drink away for as long as we'll let him. He's been having some major difficulty with eating because of teething (we think), so it's good he's interested in drinking water to help prevent dehydration. Mark and I have been struggling to handle this stage as well, as Mark's been on a very busy and stressful 2-month rotation, surgery. He's been on call about every third night, which is hard on us all, as I don't have any help with Dane, whose sleep has also been negatively affected by the teething, and Mark feels like he's missing out on a lot with the little guy. Mark's also been on call for the last 4 Sundays, which makes our church attendance suck. We miss people. Mark misses the sun. Anyone have any good advice for teething other than lots and lots of Tylenol? He'd just gotten to a point where his eating and sleeping were consistent and then, BAM, teething...but, despite it all, we're still so in love with our little bear and love seeing him grow and change right before our eyes!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

All the While

Earlier in the summer, my great friend, Andria, took Dane's first professional photos. He was still young enough that he couldn't hold his head up, so she got a lot of shots of him lounging. We decided instead of doing more traditional baby photos that we would focus on color. Although he only gave her about 20 good minutes of awake time, they turned out beautifully, so I wanted to show them off here. You can check out her blog The Prettiest Teacup to see some more of her amazing work, much of it of her own new bundle, just a few months older than the Dane-bear.

Practicing his freestyle a bit

Plotting his evil "no sleep for mom and dad" plan for that night

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Standing and teething

They say that you must crawl before you can walk, but I'm not so sure that Dane will follow that pattern. Ok, yes, I'm pretty sure he's getting close to crawling and he certainly doesn't have the balance to stand without help, much less walk, but Dane is doing an awesome job of standing. Check out this video.

Also, Dane continues to teethe. He is really drooly and more irritable than normal. He also seems more gassy... for those of you who've been through this (with your kids, not as yourself...I doubt you remember from when you got your teeth...) is the talk about babies getting more gassy, etc, more fact or fiction? As a doctor, I tried to find good evidence-based articles about teething but couldn't find much one way or the other. Anyway, we are pretty sure we can feel his front lower right tooth starting to get close. He loves when we rub his gums, even to the point where we make his gums "squeak." Larissa is worried I'll rub through his gums, which seems improbable, but I figure if that happened then he'd be done teething.

I'm on call a lot this month, which is hard for both Larissa and I. It's especially hard for Larissa to have him for so long when he's in a bad inconsolable mood. And its hard for me, not only because I'm working 30 hour shifts twice each week, but just because I feel like I'm missing so much of Dane's life (yes, already, 6 months into his life). I want to be around for his first teeth, first words, first steps. It's one of the reasons I was so happy we were able to have Larissa home, so she wouldn't miss those things (and, of course, because it means she's home whenever my busy schedule has me home). It still feels to us like Dane is growing so fast... every day he seems bigger and heavier and learning new "skills" (like chewing his hands or singing single syllable sounds). Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the video. :)