Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall Photo Update

Our family has been super busy this fall; with Mark's schedule and the weather being so cold so fast, it almost seems like we missed fall completely. However, we've definitely managed to have some fun family time over the last few weeks and so wanted to put up an update of pictures. Dane is starting to be super consistent at rolling from his back to his tummy, so we've been working on tummy to back and he's getting stronger every day. He's also finally starting to kick his cold, which will be great. He (and WE) need some sleep! Mark's surgery rotation finishes up this week, so we'll get back to a much more normal schedule with him home most nights, instead of at the hospital. Yay! We're also looking forward to Dane's first trip on a plane, as we're going to visit my sister, Bethany, in Miami. She's only met him in person once, many months ago, so it will be super exciting for her to see how much he's grown and changed since then. Unfortunately, Mark has a couple call nights at the hospital that week and won't be able to join us, but my parents decided to go as well, so I'm thankful for that. I'm sort of nervous about all the details and how he'll do, but he's getting more stable by the week, so I'm keeping a positive outlook. If you have any tips about what to do or not to do with an infant during travel, I'd LOVE to hear them! Anyway, hope you enjoy the updates.


  1. Yeah!!! This post made me so, so, so happy! :)

  2. Are those camo-booties?!! yippie!

  3. wow looking great! love him in the clothes. and he looks really close to crawling. neck and arm strength almost caught up to giant head weight. keep the pictures coming!! :)

  4. I'm not sure if this works for all airlines, but I just flew to CA with Camille on Southwest, and at check in asked if there were any open seats. If there were, they let me take her carseat on the plane and she was able to have her own seat! She was a much happier traveler. On our return flight we couldn't do that and she cried a lot. There wasn't anything I could do but just take deep breaths and try to be calm myself. The people around me were really nice and said that they've all been there and the crying doesn't bother them. I brought her favorite books and toys along and that helped distract her some, too. Have a great time in Miami!
