Sunday, August 22, 2010

First hair cut

I finally gave in and cut Dane's hair for the first time, at 17 months old. His hair was long enough that it was starting to get in his eyes, so I decided it was worth it to give him a slight trim. I couldn't bring myself to cut off the funny little curls at the nape of his neck yet, so it's a bit of a mullet, but not surprisingly, he looks cute even with a mullet:) See the before (which our friends called a baby toupee) and after (on to the baby mullet). I had my moment of feeling a bit verklempt at how fast he's growing up, but was thankful at the same time for how far he's come and how well he's doing. He's our little big man!


  1. I was so in need of a Dane fix. All the pictures and videos are great.

  2. Dane, you are (maybe) too cute for me to handle!
    Can I come visit you soon? I'd like to give you a good hug or two:)
    Also, I am bringing a fun toy!

    Love you Daner.
    Aunt B
