Friday, March 27, 2009

Dane makes quite an entrance

At 6am on Thursday, March 26th, 2009, Larissa started to feel contractions. They weren't extremely painful but they were coming every 3 minutes. By this time, I (Mark) was already at the hospital for the day. When she called me, the contractions had been going on already for about 2 hours and I encouraged her to call the hospital. They said that because the contractions weren't very painful that she should call back if she was unable to breathe easily through the contractions. While the contractions didn't get any more painful, they didn't stop, either. At 1pm (when the contractions had been going on for 7 hours), Larissa called the hospital again and they told her to come in and get checked out. After going in, the told her that 1) she had preeclampsia and 2) she was going to be admitted overnight for observation. At this point, I left the hospital and drove (slightly over the speed limit) to her. When I got there, the OB doctor was just determining that not only did Larissa have preeclampsia but she was also in real labor and would be having the baby that night. We called our parents to let them know. My parents and brother probably made a world speed record in traveling from Madison to Wheaton. Larissa got an epidural and, after that, didn't really have any pain problems. She is sure that the last weeks leading up to the delivery were much harder than the delivery itself. At 11:22pm on Thursday, March 26th, 2009, Dane Everett Anderson was born. He was 32 6/7 weeks into the pregnancy. Because of this, he was quickly whisked away to the NICU.

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