Monday, March 30, 2009

A family visit

Throughout the whole process, we have been super lucky to have our families visiting from Wisconsin. The Anderson family made the very speedy trip down on Thursday night and the Moyer family came down the next day staying until Sunday afternoon. The Andersons brought me a beautiful bouquet in a little red wagon, so in the 24 hours until I was allowed to actually see Dane for the first time, I got to dream about all the fun we'd have playing together in the future! We also got some exciting news that Mark's brother Steve is considering NIU in Dekalb, IL, for law school. This would be awesome, as it's only a 50 minute trip from Wheaton to where he'd be for the next three years! Yay for the possibility of having family a bit closer!

We came home to a house that was cleaner than it's been since we moved in, probably ever. 2 lasagna's in the freezer, cake and ice cream in the fridge, a vacuumed, dusted house with fresh sheets on the bed made the transition home much easier for me than it would have been given the state the house was in before we left! (that's what I get for having a health inspector for a father and an excellent cook for a mom) Thanks, Grandparents for all your help and care while we were slightly busy with other things! We even got to talk to my sister, Bethany, a number of times this weekend, despite her being in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She's on a mission trip for a year, which is tough for everyone, but thanks to Skype, we've been able to keep her very in the loop as far as all the changes go. We're looking forward to having her closer to home again as well, but until then, thank God for Skype!
We feel very lucky that Dane will have such a fun and loving family to come home to!

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