Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Photo updates, 4 and 1/2 months

Here are a few updated photos, which, as I was so kindly reminded by Uncle Steve, we're a little behind on posting:)
Sitting in his chair like a big guy! Check out the head control.

Shocked at burping up and then using his own hands to smush the nasty burp cloth into his face. Gotta work on eye-hand coordination a bit more.
Finally, he's big enough to try out the whale tub. He's really been enjoying bath time lately, splashing his hands and kicking his feet while he grins at mom and dad. Dad's been helping him get used to water by using his little bath squirters to squirt water onto his mouth and hair. We don't think he quite gets it yet, as he's started to lap the water as we squirt him. At least he's not scared of it:)


  1. Too cute about him trying to lap up the water when squirted at him. So glad he likes bath time. Camille hates it and cries the whole time. I begin to wonder if my swimming gene got left out? He continues to be a handsome fella!

  2. look at the monster neck strength! rawr so strong
