Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dane is Famous!

Dane is 4 weeks old today! (And, therefore, it has been 4 weeks since his blog was started). You may have noticed a box at the bottom of the blog that says "visitor counter" with no additional information. This counter is part of Google Analytics and, by checking our account, we can view lots of really interesting information about the website visitors. For instance, since the blog was started The Daily Dane has had:
1,188 site visits with 2,442 total pageviews, of which the counter noted 237 unique visitors / IP addresses from a recorded 7 countries (USA, Brazil, Ghana, Israel, China, Germany, & Thailand). Most (505) of the page visits have been from Madison, WI (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Anderson) but, as I mentioned, we have had people check up on Dane from around the world.

And as far as the Dane Report today, Dane is doing well. After we left the NICU last night, he went 8 feedings in a row taking them entirely from the bottle! That is great! His 2pm feed today, however, he needed some help to finish the last 10cc of his bottle...he just got too tired, so we fed him through his tube. It is encouraging that he is doing better. His improvement is, at least in part, due to switching him to the Dr. Brown Wide-Neck bottle. He loves it and it helps him latch for a better suck. We are learning his cues as to when he is drinking too fast or forgets to breathe, so as to help not overload him with milk in one mouthful and either throw up or aspirate some milk into his lungs.

Because we hope he is getting close to coming home, I stopped by the Winfield Fire Department and had two really nice firemen help correctly install the carseat. Larissa and I tried our best, but it seems that the back seat in Larissa's Camry is too sloped for the carseat, so they had to prop the seat up with some foam to make it at the correct angle. We also thought it was odd that the carseat is only connected at the rear of the bench, clipped to where the seat meets the backrest. The front end of the carseat (which is actually the rear of the carseat, because for newborns you have the carseat in the back, facing back) has a little movement to it but the firemen said some movement is fine as long as there is less than an inch of wiggle-room where it connects to the seat.

Lastly, we had Larissa's 2nd baby shower today (at Tyndale, with her coworkers). It was fun for her to see everyone and the theme was mini-food, in homage to our mini-babe:) We got some much needed last items from the baby registry. One of her co-workers, Rachel, also made an amazing cake; it was delicious and rivaled any "professional" cake we've ever seen. Thanks to everyone who came - we had a great time catching up!


  1. Sweet cake! Glad he may be able to come home soon.

  2. Hi y'all, congratualtions to your new family member, from all of us overseas - in Sweden I should say since there's many of us thinking of you. I'm a beginner at blogging so please excuse my failures.. :-) Just wanted to let you know that I recognize so much of the agony and wondering you describe in your updates on how things go and also the joy of progress. I also wanted to badly to bring Rasmus home, when he was 7,5 weeks early and didn't eat. Funny thing was, that once we got home it seemed that all of those hospital issues disappeared and we could just be, a little more. So keep up the good work and think of all the days you will soon spend with him in your home! If there was a way that I could get a picture through this thing, I'd show you what they might look like 10,5 years later... :-) Rasmus will be 11 years old in July - in fact while we're over there in the US.. - so you'll see what he looks like! :-) Can't wait to see you guys. And it'll be really great to meet you Larissa, for the first time.
    Wish you all the best,

  3. Greetings Larissa, Mark and Dane,
    You will all get through this!
    You are great strong people and are so full of love and faith.
    I wish I could give you some advice but all I can give is support of prayer and love.
    Always know I am a phone call away 24 hours a day. I truly mean this !!! 24 hours a day ...any hour!
    Always know I love you and that you have such a big place in my heart !!!
    Larissa, I also beleive your beautiful Uncle Dennis is watching down over you and your family
    with love and protection, so remember you also have many angels at your side supporting you and believing in you knowing all is going to be great and this blessed change all takes time and knowing each new day will get easier for each of you as you adjust to the miracle and new chapter in life .
    Special Love to Each of You ,
    Aunt Donna Hilgendorf
