Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm so excited that I need a nap

Dane had a lot of visitors today... Grandma and Grandpa Moyer drove down from Wisconsin along with his Great-Aunt and Uncle Velde and Second-Cousin Emily Bennett. It was great to get to see them all and everyone got their turn holding him. After all the excitement of his visitors, Dane slept from 4-8pm. At 8, he woke up just enough to put a little effort into breastfeeding - it didn't go as well as yesterday morning but did go better than yesterday evening. It can be discouraging to see him not just taking to his feedings as well as we would hope (because we hoped for 100% success on the first try), but it is encouraging to realize that even 2 days ago we wouldn't have anticipated even trying to have him breastfeed yet. The nurses have told us that his bottle and breast feedings right now are more "good practice" for him than actually providing him with real nutritional benefit, but with his continued tube feedings he is still slowly gaining weight. He gained 10grams from yesterday morning to this morning... hopefully he'll have broken 4 pounds when they weigh him tomorrow! :)

We were cleaning the apartment this morning in preparation for the Moyers and Veldes visiting and realized that we don't have any clothes that would fit Dane at this point. All of our "newborn" clothes still have quite a bit of room to grow in them before they'll fit him. With this lack of preemie clothes in our minds, it was with excitement that we opened a package from Great Grandma Hilgendorf today, who sent some cute preemie sized outfits. Very exciting to know that Dane will have more than diapers and oversized onesies to wear whenever he gets to come home.

1 comment:

  1. Mark and Larissa,
    Thanks for having us down to visit. We enjoyed meeting your son. We are praying that he will grow up to be a godly man.

    Uncle Mike
