Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Earmuffs and a wash

Dane had a good day today. He's still sleeping a lot and hasn't been gaining much weight (he had gained a lot of weight after taking the indomethacin for the PDA which had the side effect of temporarily shutting his kidneys off, making him retain a lot of water), but otherwise he's doing great. He is tolerating his tube feeds and is now up to 17mL / 3 hours. They were maybe going to try to give him some of his feeds via bottle today (which would be really exciting!) but decided to hold off until either later tonight or tomorrow because he was breathing a bit fast tonight. Why was he breathing fast? Because his mom and I gave him a washcloth bath in his isolet tonight. After finishing, we were pretty sure that his hair looked better before being washed, but oh well. :) At least we knew he was cleaner. He really is a good kid (at least so far). While we were moving him around and washing him, he only got annoyed at us once.

During the day today, while I was at school, Larissa hung out with Dane. The CDH NICU has been undergoing some renovations for the last several weeks/months, and today was one of the louder construction days. All the babies in the NICU got to wear little earmuffs today, but really they just were foam ear shells that stuck to the side of his head. We think he looked like a little air-traffic controller. Dane's first dress-up outfit? Knowing his parents, we are sure that he will have many more costumes in his future. :)


  1. I love the photo of Dane with his little eyes open...so precious! Glad he's all squeaky clean...those are some chic ear covers ;-).

  2. Mark and Larissa,
    A good friend of mine has a preemie baby - she was born at 25 weeks and is doing great! She is a wiggle, chubby, sassy little gal who is popping some teeth out and about to have her first birthday. She can walk too! :) Anyway, wanted to share her story with you because I know from spending time with her at the NICU and through her experience, the future with a preemie can be just as scary as the present. Anyway, she wanted me to pass along this website to you: www.preemiesrus.com
    They have lots of preemie clothing, and a bunch that is NICU friendly to make it easier to have the monitor cords, etc going in and out. Take care and enjoy every moment your little orange haired baby! :)
    Sarah Nannen

  3. what a cute boy. We're still praying and checking in on you guys daily.
