Monday, April 6, 2009

Good News :)

We just heard back from the NICU and Dane's PDA has shrunk somewhat. 3 days ago it was classified as "moderate to large" and now they are classifying it as "small to moderate." The plan will be finalized tomorrow with this week's main NICU physician, but the plan will likely be to do nothing and repeat the echocardiogram in another ~3 days to see if it continues to shrink. If the PDA continues to shrink, they'll probably continue to take repeated echocardiograms to monitor its progress. If the PDA either 1) starts to grow larger or 2) starts affecting Dane clinically, then they would consider moving forward with either medical or surgical treatment. But the physician essentially said that he didn't want to do anything at this time because he thought that Dane was doing so well. So that's good news! (Even given the fact that we would really love to just have this PDA issue be done, dealt-with, and behind us....still great to know it is improving.)

A couple new photos of our cutie:

Dane snuggled in his blankets. Smiling. Looks like the tube going through his nose into his stomach isn't bothering him too bad. Notice the really cute giraffe blanket that he is snuggled up with (thanks Annie and Dustin!)

Dane has gotten in the habit of shaking his hands above his head. We take it as his sign of saying I am DANE!

Dane, winding up for a really big sneeze. Even sneezing, we find him cute. :)

And our favorite of today's photos... Dane in his little preemie-sized onsie (so it fits!) just relaxing in his bed. He was very active today, kicking his legs around and reaching around with his arms. (You can also still see the tube in his nose and the PICC line in his left arm.)


  1. Adorable pictures! He is just precious. Can't wait to meet him someday.

  2. What an adorable little peanut! These are great photos.
