Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More of Madison comes to us:)

Today we had another fun visitor. Our great friend Megan was in the area for work and made time to stop by and meet Dane. She, to save me from having to cook, bought us lunch - Megan, you're welcome back anytime;) Then we headed over to the NICU to visit our babe. He was his typical happy, sleepy self, but managed to break out a few of his new funny faces to show off for Megan. I think he may take after his dad in liking to be the center of attention:) We had a great time and he's doing so well that they said they're going to try to feed him with a bottle tomorrow - the first time he'll actually taste food! He's also been doing well with keeping his body temp well regulated, which means that they may try to move him out of his isolet in the next couple days. It would be very exciting to have a little easier access to him! We've also been noticing how much hair he has. It's pretty adorable, especially when it's messed up from sleeping on it. Mark was trying to style it into a mohawk the other night; he may need a little more length to make that work:) We're so thankful for how well he's doing. God is really blessing us through all the people that we have supporting us. Grandma Anderson and Great-Grandma Karin are coming down Friday and on Saturday, Great Aunt and Uncle Velde and our cousin Emily Bennett, along with Grandma and Grandpa Moyer, will be visiting.

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