Monday, April 27, 2009

quick update

Big day today at the NICU. Dane hasn't needed a feeding through the tube in his nose since yesterday (Sunday) at 2:30am! We just got off the phone with the nurse taking care of Dane at the NICU (our nightly update) and she said that the doctor said that he thinks Dane may be able to come home TOMORROW if he continues to eat well (remember that he needs to go 48 hours without needing to be fed through the tube before he's eligible to come home). Another big milestone he passed tonight was his car seat test. He sat in the car seat for over an hour without losing good oxygen saturation. Translation: he's good to go home from that standpoint. And lastly, Dane got his first shot tonight! (I'm sure he was very excited about that...) He got Hepatitis B #1. We'll continue getting the rest of his shots during upcoming pediatrician visits. (He will also continue to get passive-immunity for several more months because Larissa passes on her antibodies in the breast milk.)

Suffice to say, while Larissa and I knew that Dane theoretically could be coming home tomorrow if his feeds continue to do well, we were still a bit blown away when the nurse told us on the phone that the NICU doctor said it. It was one thing to think about it, another thing entirely to hear it from the NICU. So, we'll see in the morning how tonight went for him and if they still think he might be coming home tomorrow. We are really glad that we have clean clothes and his pack-and-play all ready for him. Yes, we also still have plenty of breast milk. So, we'll see what tomorrow holds. We are hoping to get some good sleep tonight in preparation for some less-than-ideal nights of sleeping once he does come home.


  1. Oh my goodness! How exciting! We'll pray for you guys and Dane tonight. You can do it, buddy! We're pulling for you!!

  2. that's awesome!! can't wait to see pictures of Dane in his home with you two

  3. Dear Larissa,Mark, and Dane,
    Prayers and Love do work wonders !!!
    How exciting for you three.
    Dane will love his new home.
    I can't wait for the three of you to be able to be home together and settle down.
    What a ride this is and has been for you all.
    I know it has made you all stronger and more in love than you ever thought possible.
    Keep up the great work and always know so many people are here for you. I wish I could be there in person to help you but I am here in prayers,thoughts and special love.
    Donna Hilgendorf

  4. That is such wonderful news! We are filled with joy to hear you will be bringing your boy home soon. Go Dane Go! There is nothing like holding your baby close to your chest in the middle of the night in the cozy rocker in the corner of the room in your own home. This is just the beginning of your joyful amazing ride through parenthood. Enjoy all the little moments of your exciting day!
    Sarah Nannen
