Monday, April 6, 2009


We've heard from a ton of people that they've been keeping up on Dane's progress through the blog, so we thought it'd be fun know who's been checking our babe out! Feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think:)


  1. well hello! keep up the updates and hope to see ya soon.

    -your brother

  2. mark and larissa and dane-
    we are checking in on you guys and hoping and praying for good news all the time. it looks like your little man is quite the trooper! glad to see small improvements happening for you every day!
    reid, sarah and petey

  3. Mark and Larissa,
    What a sweet little gift from God you've been given! We are praying for you and for Dane each day, for all to go well for him and for you guys to sense God's comfort and strength. You all are loved by so many folks who faithfully hold you all up to the throne of God. What great parents you will be and how blessed Dane is to have you!
    love, Marita and Mike Menard

  4. I am a total Dane-blog groupie....he is SO cute!! It warms my heart to see how God is listening to all of our prayers, giving you two so much strength and the baby growth. Loved the pic of Dane with his giraffe...thank you!! Hugs.

  5. awesome kid you guys...very cute and Lauren and I have been reading every you guys

  6. I'm here!! I tried leaving a comment before and it wouldn't let me, so I'm glad to be able to do so now. Great to talk to you today. Let's try to get together next week! I would love it. You let me know when is a good time! We're so happy to hear of Dane's progress...yeah for answered prayers!! Have a great day.

  7. We're loving reading your updates! It helps to know how best to pray for the three of you. God bless all three of you!! You sure do have a cutie there. Love it!

  8. Loving the regular updates - We miss you guys!

    Dave Westerhaus

  9. Hey Mark & Larissa,

    Thank you so much for updating your blog daily & for describing what's happening so well & sharing you life w/ us. I try to keep up w/ it everyday. I think of you each day & have been praying for you!

    Anjali (Markus & Esther)

  10. We are praying for you all 3 of you every day. What a little trooper Dane is!! He is amazing. And a blessing to so many already! Take good care of yourselves, you're already brave wonderful parents!
    love, Gary and Cynthia Reynolds

  11. Mark and Larissa, we're praying for your family and hope that little Dane will continue to grow daily. It was great to see photos of Gramma and Grampa Anderson on the site too!!

    Dale and Dianne Simpson

  12. :)
    I am so thankful for this blog! I was recently show how to enlarge the pictures and I can almost see my little guy full size! When I check the update, I just sit there and smile and take in the photos. You are both doing a great job of describing the progress and prayer requests, as well.
    I love Danes faces; he might be a little bit silly, like Dad. I still can't believe the red hair... Love, love, love... B (Aunt B) P.S. I am praying for you in every free moment during the day!

  13. Dearest Larissa, Mark and Dane,
    Congratulations ! Who is more blessed... Mom and Dad for the gift of Dane or Dane the gift of having such strong and loving parents.
    God has certinally been good to the world !
    Beautiful Dane looks like a strong tough little guy and as he has already shown you... he has the strength and love.
    Day by day, one day at a time.
    May God help you keep the strength and faith to take care of yourselves and Dane.
    Remember you are not alone in this. You have God and so many caring family and friends. We are here for you.
    I am so thankful for each of you !!
    I tried sending you a note yesterday but appartently it did not go through. I just want to send my Love to each of you and want you to know you are each in my heart, thoughts and prayers. I love this site and am thankful you have shared it with me. It is and will be checked daily with so much love.
    God Bless You Each , Donna Hilgendorf

  14. The only blog I read is The Daily Dane :)
