Friday, April 3, 2009

so is that good or bad?

Sometimes I wish they would just wait to tell us things until they had a clue...We are still waiting to hear back with all of the results from some of Dane's blood tests. After first being told that Dane probably has adrenal insufficiency, now today they said his cortisol levels look good and he probably doesn't have any problems with his adrenal glands. They might know more tomorrow, but most of the most helpful blood tests won't be back for about a week still. Waiting is hard.

On another note, Larissa and I are still pretty tired and have a bit of a cold. Larissa caught the cold in the hospital while not sleeping well at night. She was then nice enough to share it with me. I think we're both over the hump and getting better, but its hard to heal when we're stressed and overtired. One thing that helps is free food. Today, we were able to cook up a frozen lasagna that Larissa's parents made for us when they came to visit.

Today's photo is the first photo we got of Dane with both eyes open. I think he looks a bit annoyed at the camera being in his face...

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