Friday, April 3, 2009

The many faces of Dane

Dane is starting to show lots of little expressions. While Mark was at work today, I was able to get some fun photos of his faces. For example:

Giving a big grin...

Giving a little wink...

Or scrunching his eyes and looking slightly annoyed (he gives this face whenever we turn the lights on in his NICU room)...

Or just looking content with his eyes cracked open, looking at who is holding him.

We're being reminded every day how thankful we are that we live so close to the hospital. I was able to go over and hang out with our little guy for almost three hours. My blood pressure was still pretty screwed up, and so following an appt. on Thursday, I was put on a second BP medicine. I was on a beta blocker called labetalol; now in addition, I've added nifedipine (a calcium channel blocker that works by causing vasodilation, or making all my veins more open, and decreasing the force of contraction of the heart. Both of these effects work to lower my blood pressure). Today was my second day on it, and I woke up with a splitting headache. Mark was at work, and while I was showering I almost blacked out. Apparently, the combo of meds worked so well that my blood pressure dropped too's so weird after being so healthy all my life for my body to be unable to respond normally. All this just takes some getting used to - our doctor says that it shouldn't take more than 6 weeks for things to start improving, but that seems like such a long time not to be able to do normal stuff or prep stuff for bringing Dane home. I would love to just take a walk outside! It makes me realize how much I was taking for granted; I even miss being able to just vacuum and clean:) Really, though, hanging out with Dane makes everything seem doable lately - we are SO excited for him to keep growing so we can bring him home!

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