Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Echo (Echo)

We have some exciting news today! First, Dane had his repeat (repeat) echo today and it showed the PDA continuing to shrink! (The photo to the left is of Dane getting his echo done...) His PDA was initially "moderate to large" then shrunk to "small to moderate" and today was classified at "trivial." What an answer to prayer! As of today, the doctor still can't hear the PDA and it is getting so small it looks like we hopefully won't have to do further medical treatment to close it or surgical ligation.

Our second piece of exciting news is that Dane did a great job feeding tonight! At his 5pm breastfeeding, he drank 18cc of milk out of the scheduled 36cc's. I thought this was interesting... I had no idea how they would be able to tell how much milk he drank (since it wasn't coming out of a syringe or bottle). All they did was weigh him before and after the feeding and the difference in weight was the # of mL of milk he drank (because 1mL of milk = 1gram). Part of why he did so well tonight is that he was finally awake enough to give a really good effort. (In the photo to the left, you can see Dane warming up for his stellar breastfeeding job...)

Dane was also very excited today to hear that he might see his Uncle Steve and Aunt Bethany soon! Steve informed us yesterday that he's going to be at Northern Illinois University for Law School for the next 3 years (the same amount of time we'll be around for my Family Medicine residency at La Grange Memorial Hospital). So that's very exciting. He'll only be ~40 miles away (which is about a 50 minute drive or a 30 minute ride on the Metra train). Very cool. We also heard from Bethany (who is still in Brazil with Campus Crusade) that based on some visa issues, she'll be back in the midwest for a couple weeks next month! Very exciting! Bethany has seen Dane a couple times on skype already, but she'll finally be able to meet him in person. We look forward to living closer to both of our siblings (we aren't sure where Bethany will be living once she returns from Brazil, but anywhere in the United States would be closer and easier to get to...)


  1. YAY!! Keep the good news coming :)

  2. I'm so grateful for your blog. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
