Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Uncle Steve visits with good news

Today we had the pleasure of a visit from Jenn Meisenheimer. (Sadly, Larissa and I forgot our camera at the apartment, so no pictures with'll have to visit again Jenn, and then you can get your photo in the blog. I'm sure its everyone's dream to have their photo make it into the Daily Dane blog...) Jenn and I (Mark) were on the swim team together all 4 years at Wheaton. Her daughter, Avery, is just under a year old, so it was fun to hear about how she's doing and think about how Dane might be doing in a year. Dane has been doing well with his feedings, too...he drank almost 2 entire bottles today, which is great. He is still exhausted afterwards, but is slowly making progress. Right now, pretty much the only thing keeping him from coming home is that he needs to be able to take all his milk from either the bottle or breast...right now he's only at 2/8 meals each day and is very tired. So, we'll see how he improves over the upcoming days. But it is encouraging to see him continue to improve.

After Jenn's visit, we also got to see my mom and brother, Steve. Steve was in DeKalb for a last visit to Northern Illinois University, looking at their law school. He had already made his decision to attend there this fall, but was pleasantly surprised when they also offered him a nice scholarship package. Lucky dog. We are very excited to have him close for the next 3 years! Anyway, after the visit he and mom came to Wheaton and took us out for Mexican food. Free food always tastes better. :) Following dinner, we went to the NICU and Steve finally got to hold Dane (the last time Steve saw Dane was just after delivery and Dane was supposed to stay in his little incubator as much as possible). You may also notice that Steve is sporting a very attractive hospital gown. He wore this because my parents' dog, McKenzie, also came on the day's tour of Illinois and Steven didn't want to share the dog germs with Dane (yet). It was fun watching Steve with Dane - Dane looks so small with him (quite the size difference) but my brother is really a natural with kids. Very cute. Anyway, today is another day of "no news is good news." Dane's job is still just to continue growing and to improve in taking more of his meals from the bottle/breast and to be less tired through the process each day. We are continually encouraged not only by the prayers and well wishes of you all but by the evident answers to those prayers as we see him improving and getting healthier each day. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that you put a photo near Dane's face...and I'm jealous that Jenn got to see the baby. Lucky!!
